"Congratulations! Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!

You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes,
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own, and you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Kanes take BKK!

Hello everyone!!

     I can't believe it's been so long since I last updated my blog. A lot has happened in the month since I last updated you all, saying I was off to India for 16 days. That trip (which I will write a separate post about soon) was certainly....an experience. But enough of that for now. I'll save that for my other post.

     In other news, Mama and Papa Kane have finally reached Bangkok!! They left Newark airport on Wednesday, August 8th, and arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport on Thursday night (Bangkok time), where I met them! I was so excited to see them and show them around Bangkok. This is the longest amount of time I've ever gone without seeing my parents, so I was really looking forward to being reunited with them- if only for a little bit! On Friday morning, I met them bright and early and took them to the Grand Palace and Wat Pho (see my previous post about Wat Pho for pictures) during the day, and at night we went to one of my favorite places, the jazz and blues pub called Saxophone. They- especially my dad- loved it!! Saturday, I took them to Chatuchak market and back to Hua Mak to give a tour of my neighborhood. Saturday evening we went to one of my favorite Hua Mak restaurants, Coconut, for dinner and we walked over to the night market to watch the sunset. Yesterday, Mom and Dad left Bangkok to fly off to Phuket (an island down south) and will be there till Friday, when they fly up to Chiang Mai. They will be there until Wednesday the 22nd, when they will either go to Kanchanaburi or possibly even Cambodia. Then on Friday the 24th, they will return to Bangkok to spend two or three more days here before flying out to Beijing. I'm really looking forward to seeing them then and hearing about all their travels and adventures!

Mom at the Grand Palace!

 Sunset at the night market

     Speaking of which, next Saturday (August 18th) marks the halfway point of my study abroad experience........WHAT?!?! I'm still trying to figure it out in my head how I could possibly have been in Thailand for three months already. In a way, I feel like I have accomplished and seen a lot in three months, but at the same time, I feel like I have seen NOTHING in Southeast Asia. So, this is when we kick it into high gear. Now that I have conquered traveling in India for 16 days, I feel as though I can travel anywhere and do anything- so that's the plan! I am off to Cambodia for a long weekend in a few days, and then after that, I plan on traveling as often as I can to see the rest of what I've missed in the past three months.
     I have begun looking at plans for my second ten day break (which in all likelihood will be more than ten days). It seems that immediately after finals, I may be traveling to the Phillippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Then, we will come back to Thailand to go on a group trip to Chiang Mai, where we will do a four day trek through the jungle and a three day retreat. Then after Chiang Mai, I will most likely go up to Laos for a few days, then end my traveling in Vietnam. After that, I will come back for my last week in Bangkok before we depart for Hong Kong on the way back to America! Thinking about all there is left to see still, I get completely overwhelmed. But I have a feeling this may not be my last trip to Southeast Asia, so we'll see........

Check back for my blog post about India soon!! I promise I'll write it as soon as I can! :)

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