"Congratulations! Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!

You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes,
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own, and you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Halfway Point!!

Hi everyone!
I wanted to write this post to explain a little bit about how I'm feeling now that I am halfway (or more than halfway at this point) through my study abroad experience. 

It seems that at major milestones during this trip, I end up getting kind of homesick. This happened when I reached the one month mark in June, and it's happening now that I've reached the halfway point in August. I think most of the homesickness I'm feeling now has to do with the fact that all my friends are moving back into school, and I am really missing Loyola right now!! I definitely don't want to rush this experience, and I really am having a wonderful time here, but I can't help but want to get back home and be reunited with my friends and family there. So here's a shoutout to all my friends at home and at Loyola: MISS YOU GUYS!!

I know that these next 10 or 11 weeks will really fly by though, with the amount of traveling I will be doing! Here are my plans for my remaining weeks in Thailand

Now - Sept 24th: School and finals!! Can't believe my semester is almost over!
Sept 25th - Sept 30th: Trip to northern Vietnam
Oct 1st - Oct 6th/7th: Trip down to southern Thailand to Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, etc.
Oct 9th - Oct 17th: Trek up in Chiang Mai with all 40 people in my program
Oct 19th - Oct 29th: Trip to Malaysia and Indonesia
Oct 30th- Nov 5th: My last week in Bangkok..........not okay.
Nov 5th- Nov 11th: Our whole program goes to Hong Kong on the way back to America
Nov 11th: Home to America!!

So I will definitely be kept busy during my last weeks in Southeast Asia! It's so bizarre to think about how fast these past three months have gone, and how fast these coming weeks are going to go! I'm just trying to keep my head in the present moment and enjoy everything surrounding me in Thailand :)

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