"Congratulations! Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!

You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes,
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own, and you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Kanes take BKK Part 2!

     First of all, I would like to apologize for my lack of blog posts in the past month or so. My last two weeks of classes followed by a week and a half of finals has been crazy!! Luckily, today is my LAST FINAL and then I am done with school until January. I can't wait to be done- three semesters in a row was kind of rough....Now I just get to travel all over for the next six weeks until my return to America!!

     Anyway, I wanted to write a bit about the second half of my visit with my parents. After their trip to Phuket and Chiang Mai, my parents came back to Bangkok for a second weekend of adventures. I brought them to Wat Arun, or the Temple of the Dawn. From there, we went on a khlong boat tour (although this khlong was much better than the smelly khlong I talked about in one of my early posts). The tour took us around the back canals off the Chao Phraya River and gave Mom and Dad a very different view of Bangkok! Later that day, we all went to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel for dinner. It was one of the most beautiful hotels I've seen in Bangkok, and we had a delicious dinner while looking out over the Chao Phraya river and seeing the Bangkok skyline. The following day, we spent more time touring around Bangkok and seeing sights like Khao San Road. We ended the day eating some of the best Thai food ever at a restaurant called The Spice Market in the Four Season Hotel. Following dinner, we went to the Skybar and even though it was raining a bit, we got an incredible view of Bangkok- one I've never seen before! 
     I had a great time showing my parents a glimpse of my life in Bangkok. It was sad to say goodbye to my parents, but knowing I'll see them in a matter of a few weeks made it much better! They seemed to really, really love their time spent in Thailand- if you see them soon, ask them about it! I'm sure they'd love to tell you :)

On the ferry boat to Wat Arun 

Wat Arun (Temple of the Dawn) 

We wrote our names on a cloth surrounding Wat Arun 

 Dinner at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel!

Khlong boat tour on the Chao Phraya River 

Mom and I at Skybar

 Skybar hanging over the edge of the Lebua Hotel! Yikes!

Dad enjoyed looking at the countless street markets

Here are some pictures from Mom and Dad's trip to China on the way back to America:

On the Great Wall of China!